
class zepid.causal.causalgraph.dag.DirectedAcyclicGraph(exposure, outcome)
__init__(exposure, outcome)

Constructs a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for determination of adjustment sets

  • exposure (str) – Exposure of interest in the causal diagram
  • outcome (str) – Outcome of interest in the causal diagram
  • TODO add other implementations in the future... have as self.mediator, self.censor, self.missing (#) –


Setting up environment

>>> from zepid.causal.causalgraph import DirectedAcyclicGraph

Creating directed acyclic graph

>>> dag = DirectedAcyclicGraph(exposure="X", outcome="Y")
>>> dag.add_arrow(source="X", endpoint="Y")
>>> dag.add_arrow(source="V", endpoint="Y")
>>> dag.add_arrows(pairs=(("W", "X"), ("W", "Y")))

Determining adjustment sets

>>> dag.calculate_adjustment_sets()
>>> dag.adjustment_sets
>>> dag.minimal_adjustment_sets

Plot diagram

>>> dag.draw_dag()
>>> plt.show()

Assess arrow misdirections that result in the chosen adjustment set being invalid

>>> dag.assess_misdirections(chosen_adjustment_set=set("W"))


Shrier I, & Platt RW. (2008). Reducing bias through directed acyclic graphs. BMC medical research methodology, 8(1), 70.


__init__(exposure, outcome) Constructs a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) for determination of adjustment sets
add_arrow(source, endpoint) Add a single arrow to the current causal DAG
add_arrows(pairs) Add a set of arrows to the current causal DAG
assess_misdirections(chosen_adjustment_set) Arrow direction can potentially be misspecified.
calculate_adjustment_sets() Determines all sufficient adjustment sets for the causal diagram using the algorithm described in Shrier & Platt “Reducing bias through directed acyclic graphs” BMC Medical Research Methodology 2008.
draw_dag([positions, invert, fig_size, …]) Draws the current input causal DAG