

Loads Ewing’s Sarcoma survival data from Glaubiger DL, Makuch R, Schwarz J, Levine AS, Johnson RE. Determination of prognostic factors and their influence on therapeutic results in patients with Ewing’s sarcoma. Cancer. 1980;45(8):2213-9. In total, data for 76 patients is loaded. Further descriptions of the 76 patients and the data can be found in Makuch RW. Adjusted survival curve estimation using covariates. J Chronic Dis. 1982;35(6):437-43. or Cole SR, Hernán MA. Adjusted survival curves with inverse probability weights. Comput Methods Programs Biomed. 2004;75(1):45-9.


Variables within the dataset are
  • treat - treatment (1 is novel treatment; 0 is one of three standard treatments)
  • ldh - pre-treatment serum lactic acid dehydrogenase (LDH) (1 is >= 200 international units; 0 is <200)
  • time - days till recurrence or censoring (continuous)
  • outcome - sarcoma recurrence (1 is recurrence; 0 is censored)
Returns:Returns pandas DataFrame
Return type:DataFrame