
Below is documentation for each of the implemented calculation functionalities available for a pandas DataFrame


RiskRatio([reference, alpha]) Estimate of Risk Ratio with a (1-alpha)*100% Confidence interval from a pandas DataFrame.
RiskDifference([reference, alpha]) Estimate of Risk Difference with a (1-alpha)*100% Confidence interval from a pandas DataFrame.
NNT([reference, alpha]) Estimates of Number Needed to Treat.
OddsRatio([reference, alpha]) Estimates of Odds Ratio with a (1-alpha)*100% Confidence interval.
IncidenceRateRatio([reference, alpha]) Estimates of Incidence Rate Ratio with a (1-alpha)*100% Confidence interval.
IncidenceRateDifference([reference, alpha]) Estimates of Incidence Rate Difference with a (1-alpha)*100% Confidence interval.
interaction_contrast(df, exposure, outcome, …) Calculate the Interaction Contrast (IC) using a pandas dataframe and statsmodels to fit a linear binomial regression.
interaction_contrast_ratio(df, exposure, …) Calculate the Interaction Contrast Ratio (ICR) using a pandas dataframe, and conducts either log binomial or logistic regression through statsmodels.


Sensitivity([alpha]) Generates the sensitivity and (1-alpha)% confidence interval, comparing test results to disease status from pandas dataframe
Specificity([alpha]) Generates the sensitivity and (1-alpha)% confidence interval, comparing test results to disease status from pandas dataframe
Diagnostics([alpha]) Generates the Sensitivity, Specificity, and the corresponding (1-alpha)% confidence intervals, comparing test results to disease status from pandas DataFrame


spline(df, var[, n_knots, knots, term, …]) Creates spline dummy variables based on either user specified knot locations or automatically determines knot locations based on percentiles.
create_spline_transform(array[, n_knots, …]) Creates spline dummy variables based on either user specified knot locations or automatically determines knot locations based on percentiles.
table1_generator(df, cols, variable_type[, …]) Code to automatically generate a descriptive table of your study population (often referred to as a Table 1).