
class zepid.base.NNT(reference=0, alpha=0.05)

Estimates of Number Needed to Treat. NNT (1-alpha)*100% confidence interval presentation is based on Altman, DG (BMJ 1998). Missing data is ignored

Number needed to treat is calculated as

\[NNT = \frac{1}{RD}\]

Risk difference the corresponding confidence intervals come from

\[RD = \Pr(Y|A=1) - \Pr(Y|A=0)\]

Risk difference standard error is calculated as

\[SE = \left(\frac{R_1 \times (1 - R_1)}{a+b} + \frac{R_0 \times (1-R_0)}{c+d}\right)^{\frac{1}{2}}\]


Outcome must be coded as (1: yes, 0:no). Only works for binary outcomes

  • reference (integer, optional) – Reference category for comparisons. Default reference category is 0
  • alpha (float, optional) – Alpha value to calculate two-sided Wald confidence intervals. Default is 95% confidence interval


Calculate the number needed to treat in a data set

>>> from zepid import NNT, load_sample_data
>>> df = load_sample_data(False)
>>> nnt = NNT()
>>> nnt.fit(df, exposure='art', outcome='dead')
>>> nnt.summary()

Calculate the number needed to treat with ‘1’ as the reference category

>>> nnt = NNT(reference=1)
>>> nnt.fit(df, exposure='art', outcome='dead')
>>> nnt.summary()
__init__(reference=0, alpha=0.05)

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


__init__([reference, alpha]) Initialize self.
fit(df, exposure, outcome) Calculates the NNT
summary([decimal]) Prints the summary results